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Rejected Letter

Crista Alfaiate and Diogo Bento
9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 March
Fotografia de divulgação do espetáculo Niet Hebben com a atriz Crista Alfaiate em personagem

Informações técnicas


March 9, 16, 17: 4.30 pm


March 13, 14, 15: 10.30 am and 2.30 pm

Laidback session

March 10: 4.30 pm

Session with audiodescription

March 14: 10.30 am

Age range



From well known texts such as Pero Vaz de Caminha’s «Carta do Achamento do Brasil», Kafka’s «Letter to His Father», Oscar Wilde’s «Letter to Bosie» , Mariana Alcoforado’s «Portuguese Letters» and «The New Portuguese Letters» by Maria Teresa Horta, Maria Isabel Barreno and Maria Velho da Costa, among others, blah blah blah, this rejected letter aims to rethink some themes such as feminism, war and post-colonialism in a world where Facebook and Twiter rule. On stage, like, there’s this actress willing to write a letter like she talks. As she talks. Blaming herself of sifting through other people’s correspondence, she thinks about what she’s read on some of these letters (as she shouldn’t, in the quiet, instead of just chillin’on Instagram or taking selfies). A letter that can be either a speech or an email, unafraid of the past, eyes set on the future.

Illustration: Catarina Lee

Informações artísticas

Crista Alfaiate

Crista Alfaiate and Diogo Bento

Creation support
Cláudia Gaiolas and Diogo Bento

Crista Alfaiate

Light design
Rui Monteiro

Light design assistant
Teresa Antunes

Original score
Sérgio Martins and Rui Lima

Sound design
Pedro Lima

Graphic and visual content
Catarina Lee

Costume design
Aldina Jesus

Executive producer
Joana Costa Santos

Production support
Luna Rebelo

LU.CA - Teatro Luís de Camões and Teatro Nacional S. João

Fundação GDA e Largo Residências

Thanks to
Academia de Dança Antiga de Lisboa, Artistas Unidos, mala voadora, Teatro Meridional, Teatro Nacional D. Maria II