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An assembly of Assemblies

António Jorge Gonçalves, Bernardo P. Carvalho, Carolina Celas, Catarina Sobral, Danuta Wojciechowska, João Fazenda, Madalena Matoso, Mantraste, Mariana Malhão, Mariana Rio, Rachel Caiano and Tiago Albuquerque
26 September to 31 October
Semi-circle illustration of the assembly with carnations.

Informações técnicas

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 10am-1pm and 2pm-5pm
Saturday and Sunday: 10:30am-1pm and 2pm-5:30pm
(except on 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 October; and on the mornings of 5 and 6 October)


Middle Floor

Due to the characteristics of the building, access for people with impaired mobility to the middle floor of the theatre is not possible.

Free entrance


Illustrated assemblies gathered in a plenary on the LU.CA middle floor.


Whenever we gather in a group with friends, we form an assembly. It might not be exactly like that other Assembly – with a capital A – where elected MPs sit every four years. However, the principle is the same: we can have different ideas and still understand each other.


In this group exhibition – which ends up being an assembly too – the same happens. Inspired by the Mission: Democracy book collection, each illustrator created their particular vision of this semicircular space where the MPs sit. For several weeks, these illustrated assemblies will be gathered in a plenary on the LU.CA middle floor.