Open doors to welcome you back

Open doors to welcome you back
LU.CA will reopen its doors in September, with all the safety and hygiene conditions to welcome you. Thus, you will find the entrance and exit routes properly marked, and help will be provided, getting in and out of the room safely.
The use of a mask is mandatory for people over 10 and alcohol gel will be available in several points of the building. Also, room capacity has been reduced so that the recommended safety distance is met. Because we care about your well-being and because it won’t be possible to remain or gather in the Public Library and Listening Points for the foreseeable future, these two spaces will not open to the public, to avoid taking any unnecessary risks.
Those who check the visual stories that complement our laidback sessions will find them here in our website or through the QR code available at our ticket office.
With an open heart, we open our doors to you again.