New access rules

New access rules
In the “new normal”, we want you to continue to feel comfortable at LU.CA – Teatro Luís de Camões. The new hygiene and safety rules of the Theater are in accordance with the recommendations of the Direção Geral de Saúde. In case of doubt, and for further clarification, please contact us via email:
· Whenever possible, we recommend purchasing tickets online;
· There are specific accesses to the ticket office and to the interior of the theater, duly identified with signs;
· The safety distance in access and circulation within the theater must be respected;
· The organization and orientation of the queues at the Theater is done with the support of security and home front;
· The entrance and exit of the audience are made through different and out of phase doors, in time and number of people, to avoid the crowding or crossing of people;
· The use of a mask inside the building is mandatory for people over 10;
· Hand disinfection is recommended in the disinfectant gel stations available in the various spaces of the Theater;
· The audience is oriented from the outside to their respective place in the concert hall;
· The capacity of the concert hall was reduced to 50% of the occupancy (1 seat between each seat except for cohabitants);
· Cabin seats can only be purchased by cohabitants;
· Seats are marked, so we ask that you respect the marking and the distance between them;
· The audience is phased out and guided (by lines) by room attendants;
· The audible warning at the beginning of the show explains that
· The room and its places are cleaned before the public entrance;
· Entry is not allowed after the show starts;
· As a rule, there will be no breaks;
· The theatre has access for people with disabilities;
· Everyone is asked to comply with the respiratory etiquette.
See you soon!