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With What Rights?

Joana Simões Piedade and Emma Andreetti
14 October to 10 November 2023
Ilustração quadrada composta por 16 pequenos quadrados com figuras coloridas. As figuras representem alguém que dorme, um grupo de pessoas de mãos dadas, alguém que grita, um computador, alguém que escreve a palavra nome, alguém numa cadeira de rodas, frutas, uma casa, um par que se abraça, entre outras situações.

Informações técnicas


14, 15, 21 and 22 October: 10:30 AM


2, 3, 7, 8,9 and 10 October (Timetable to be defined)

Target Audience

Children aged 7 to 10 years, accompanied by an adult

Maximum Capacity

24 people



Price Families

€5 (each participant)

Price Schools


Participants should wear comfortable clothes and be prepared to be barefoot.

Please note that due to the characteristics of the building, access for people with limited mobility to the theatre’s middle floor is not possible.


Uma oficina onde, à volta de uma manta-jogo, todos vão ter direito a participar, expressar opiniões e a usar a voz.


Are the things we need to live… “rights”? What is the Convention on the Rights of the Child? And what does it actually say? Do children have the right to be heard and to participate in decisions that affect their lives? And why is it important to know our rights? Around a blanket-game, we will get to know, think, and talk together about children’s rights. In this workshop, everyone has the right to participate, express opinions, use their voice, share experiences, and reflect on how these rights relate to our daily lives and the lives of all children around the world.

Joana Simões Piedade

She was once a lawyer (perhaps that’s why she enjoys debating rights so much) and a journalist (perhaps that’s why she loves asking questions), she has lived and travelled to many countries (perhaps that’s why she decided to study migrations). Since 2017, she has worked as an educator and cultural mediator in schools and museums, where she has co-constructed educational projects that blend human rights, citizenship, art, and activism with children, youth and teachers.

Emma Andreetti

She graduated in design and illustration from the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam (2016) and completed a postgraduate degree in Art Education at FBAUL (2018). Emma Andreetti lives in Lisbon, where she works as an illustrator and designer, an artistic educator, and a cultural mediator. She is a co-founder of Oficina Fritta and is part of the teams of Qual Albatroz and Espaço Azul.