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Sounds that tell stories

 Curated by Sandra C Ramos/Universidade Lusófona Digital Animation degree
16 and 17 October

Informações técnicas


16 and 17 October: 4:30 pm


Uma seleção de filmes para ouvir com muita atenção.


In October the Digital Animation course of Universidade Lusófona focuses on sounds and music as storytellers. This is therefore a selection of films that are also meant to be carefully listened to.


Flux Film (2002)

Christopher Hinton, Canada, 7” (no dialogue)


39 Weeks 6 Days (2017)

Joanna Kozuch, Boris Šima, Slovakia, 8′ (no dialogue)


Vers l’igloo de la mère-grand (2003)

Sandra Ramos, France, 2′ (subtitled)


Das Gavetas Nascem Sons (2017)

Vítor Hugo Rocha, Portugal, 6′ (no dialogue)


Blinkity Blank (1955)

Norman McLaren, Canada, 5′ (no dialogue)


Inkfulness (2018)

Inês Carrilho, Maria Vieira and Marta Domingos, Portugal, 5′ (no dialogue)


Abraço do Vento (2004)

José Miguel Ribeiro, Portugal, 2′ (no dialogue)



Sarah Dias, Portugal, 4’ (no dialogue)


Informações artísticas

For the 2021/2022 season, we challenge the Digital Animation course of the Universidade Lusófona to create a programme of short and feature animation films for children and young audiences, coordinated by Professor Sandra Ramos.