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Practical guide on how to pack a bag to travel to another planet

Marco Paiva
November 20

Informações técnicas


Workshop 1: 10.30am – 12.30pm
Workshop 2: 5.30pm - 8.30pm


Limited capacity;
Previous registration is required, through


How long do we take to get to another planet, using our imagination?


Taking the performance “Aldebarã” as a starting point, which is focused on accessibility issues, we acknowledge the importance of imagination, as a tool to explore new places.

This workshop seeks new ways to look at the world and to value difference, by integrating it.


Workshop 1
Target audience: students over 16, intellectually challenged or not, currently attending the 3rd grade.


Through a participative and collaborative methodology, the group will work on issues such as alterity, diversity and language construction in the context of today’s society.


Techniques: improvisation and technical composition, theatre games focused on five concepts: topography/space, dynamic/time, focus, scenes, and imagination.


Workshop 2
Target audience: teachers


Taking the performance “Aldebarã” as a starting point, the group will work on methodologies and processes of intervention and artistic creation, in inclusive groups.


Techniques: improvisation and technical composition, theatre games focused on five concepts: topography/space, dynamic/time, focus, scenes, and imagination.



Marco Paiva
Marco Paiva is an actor and director, born in Covilhã in 1980. He is a guest actor at Mala Voadora theatre company since 2010 and has been collaborating, both as an actor and as a director, with several national structures. Marco collaborates with the project Crinabel Teatro since 2000, assuming its artistic direction in 2008. He founded TERRA AMARELA – Plataforma de Criação Artística Inclusiva in 2018, whose work revolves around accessible culture and inclusive art practices.