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Catarina Sobral
May 2 to 9

Informações técnicas


May 2, 8 and 9: 11.30 am and 4.30 pm
May 7: 6 pm

Age range


Running Time

30 min.

Laidback session

May 9, 11.30 am

Tickets for families

€3 for people under 18
€7 for people over 18
Discounts available


We start from the beginning when everything was in the same place.


The whole world and all the things that exist beyond it, all fit, at a given time, in the same place.

We are not sure how it occurred, but we know that the Universe has its origin in a small space.

It sounds Impossible, but it is true: everything started when big things were small.


Fotografia: ©Alípio Padilha

Informações artísticas

Creation and Artistic Direction
Catarina Sobral

Dramaturgic Support and Performance
Madalena Marques

Music and Sound Design
F Kent Queener

Image and Animation
Catarina Sobral

Janaína Drummond

Catarina Fernandes

Scientific Review
Pedro Figueira/Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto