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Great Dilemmas

Joana Rita Sousa (filocriatividade)
6 to 31 January 2024
Criança de costas para a câmara aponta para um painel laranja com o título "O Teste da Matemática". O lado direito do painel está coberto de post-its.


Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 10 am - 1 pm and 2 pm - 5 pm
Saturday and Sunday: 10:30 am - 1 pm and 2 pm - 5:30 pm
(Except on the mornings of 2 and 3 December)


Middle Floor

Free Admission

Please note that due to the characteristics of the building, access for people with limited mobility to the theatre’s middle floor is not possible.


Uma exposição que nos convida a parar e pensar, como se fosse um exercício para os dilemas que vamos encontrar para lá das paredes do teatro.


Each and every day we make choices between this and that, using more or less conscious criteria. Some choices are more challenging, these we call dilemmas: they are choices where neither outcome is pleasant. What dilemmas bother us in everyday life? What to do? How to choose? What criteria to use? The eight ethical dilemmas of this exhibition invite us to pause and reflect, as well as to assess pros and cons, in a sort of exercise for the dilemmas we will encounter beyond the theatre walls.


Joana Rita Sousa
Joana Rita Sousa is a philosopher and “questionologist”. She has been conducting philosophy workshops for children, young people and adults since 2008. She holds a master’s degree in philosophy for children and is a mediator of reading and dialogue. She enjoys asking questions to books and letting books ask her questions. Her favourite sport is dialogue.


Included in the Ethics and Justice Cycle

Cast and Creative

Research and Curation
Joana Rita Sousa (filocriatividade)

Graphic Design
Ágata Ventura