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Does Laziness Attack?

Aldara Bizarro
14 to 23 October 2022

Informações técnicas


14, 18, 19, 20, 21 October: 10.30am


Preço Escolas
€3 < 18 anos / €1 escolas TEIP / Acompanhantes isentos Preço Famílias €3 < 18 anos / €7 > 18 anos / Descontos aplicáveis

Conversation after the show

16 October

Laid-back session

23 October

Age Rating

To classify

Target Audience

Starting at 12 years


60 min

School Prices

€3 < 18 years/ €1 +TEIP schools/ Chaperones are exempt

Family Prices

€3 < 18 years/ €7 > 18 years/ Discounts are applicable


A dance performance, interpreted by a female and male dancer, developing around the theme of laziness.


When we are children, laziness ends when we stretch in the morning, and only returns when we are exhausted from playing. When we are adults, laziness rears its head with shame when faced with a piling workload, and no one wants to admit that they are feeling it. When we are halfway through, time can be savoured, and what can be done tomorrow remains suspended in the sweetness of a yawn.


Does Laziness Attack? is a dance performance, interpreted by a female and male dancer, developing around the theme of laziness.


The question that gives the performance its name was asked to a group of people with distinct professions – a biologist, an illustrator, a politician, a choreographer, a dancer, an activist, an athlete, and others – and it is from their answers, within the slow suggestions of the aspects of laziness, like will, fatigue and pleasure, that this play for young audiences was created: poetic, paradoxical and extremely fun.



Informações artísticas

Conception and direction
Aldara Bizarro

Ana Silva and Hugo Cabral Mendes

Original interpretation
Ainhoa Vidal and Alban Hall

Original Score
Vítor Rua

João Pinto

Light design
Carlos Ramos

Support in the area of philosophy
Dina Mendonça

António Rebolo and Edmea Brigham

Horta Seca Associação Cultural


Alfredo Saramago, Ana Merelo, Adelino Tavares, Alberto Pimenta, Catarina Molder, Clara Andermatt, DJ Johnny, Fernando Rosas, Francisco José Viegas, João Pombeiro, Jorge Palmeirim, Lígia Pereira, Madalena Matoso, Maria José Alves, Marina Albuquerque, Miguel Pereira, Natália Pais, Pedro Cabral, Rui Tavares, Selma Uamusse, Sr. Nuno and Tó Trips

Jangada and Centro Cultural de Belém/CPA


SMUP Parede and João Serralha