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Animal Farm

Tonan Quito
10 to 21 January 2024
Atriz da cintura para cima atrás de um púlpito de discurso com a palavra Golpe escrita em letras maiúsculas. A atriz está com um nariz de porco e uma das mãos abertas erguida no ar.

Informações técnicas


10, 11, 17 and 18 January: 10:30am and 2:30pm
12 and 19 January: 10:30am


13 and 20 January: 4:30pm
14 and 21 January: 11:30am and 4:30pm

Sessions with Portuguese Sign Language

19 January: 10:30am and 20 January: 4:30pm

Session with Audio Description

20 January: 4:30pm

Laid-back session

21 January: 11:30am

Age Rating

12 years and above

Target Audience

Starting at 10 years


50 min.

School Prices

€3 < 18 years/ €1 +TEIP schools/ Chaperones are exempt

Family Prices

€3 < 18 years/ €7 > 18 years/ Discounts are applicable


A timeless fable about how we relate to others.


Published in 1945, George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” is a political and satirical text, but also a fable about how we relate to others. Added to this is the age-old theme of power, how it can be irresistible, and ultimately, corrupting. In times of uncertainty and fear, as we witness fierce exercises of power, there is nothing more current and pervasive than provoking a discussion about who is in charge.


Who is in charge here? If this “here” is a place of dissatisfaction, what if the children who come to see this play, taking advantage of the theatre, appropriate the story? What if they succeed? What if, for a moment, they become the owners of the farm and we, the obedient pigs?


Included in the Ethics and Justice Cycle

Informações artísticas

Tonan Quito

Inês Fonseca Santos, based on George Orwell's work "Animal Farm"

Cláudia Gaiolas

Set Design
F. Ribeiro

Light Design
Daniel Worm

Sound Design
Pedro Costa

Tiago Coelho

Executive Production
Cláudia Teixeira

Production HomemBala

LU.CA – Teatro Luís de Camões and Teatro Virgínia

Institutional Support
Fundo de Fomento Cultural/República Portuguesa

Portuguese Army, Lusitano da Penha de França and Movimento Presente