As we celebrate International Theatre Day we thought of sharing with you 4 books that are, in some way or another, related to the Theater.
Let’s start with Actividário do Teatro/The Theater Actividary, by Ricardo Henriques and André Letria. Though out and illustrated around drama concepts, it uses an ABC structure to help us understand how this machine that is the theater makes us see, feel, and listen to the shows it produces.
Catarina Sobral’s Impossível/ Impossible, and Poemas para Bocas Pequenas/ Poems for small mouths, by Margarida Mestre and António-Pedro, are two books that were born from performances, but in different ways. Impossible works as an autonomous illustration book with the universe of the show while and Poems for Small Mouths gives us the universe of the show’s soundtrack, to be read and listen to.
We all know that the stories we are told, in the theatre, in books or in film, never actually end, because our imagination is in fact endless. Noemi Vola’s The Endfixer /Fim? Isto não acaba assim, tells the story of a character truly outraged with how some stories end. True, sometimes we don’t like how stories end, but we can always reinvent them, fix them.
Now it’s your turn. Tell us your story with LU.CA – Teatro Luís de Camões!