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Conference Thinking

Writing in the Dark: performing arts critique and performances for children and young audiences

LU.CA – Teatro Luís de Camões / Centro de Estudos de Teatro da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa
2 and 3 March 2022



How can young audiences and children challenge, expand and remodel critique?


This conference, which held its first edition during the height of the pandemic, aims to explore the theme of specialized critique about performances for children and young audiences, perceiving it as a form of critical exercise and citizenship. Among other subjects, we seek to debate the following questions: does theatre for children and young audiences demand a specific type of critique? What is specific about the experience of adult critics who write about performances for younger audiences? What is the quality of the experience of adult critics if the performance was not planned for their age group? What does a transgenerational and inclusive critique imply? What are the practices of critique? What relationships and formats of critique are adequate for this type of performance? How can children and young audiences challenge, expand and remodel critique?


Programme will be available soon.