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Workshop Dance

The Dancing Dot

Sara Anjo
2 to 5 february 2023

Informações técnicas


2 february: 10.30am
3 february: 10.30am and 2.30pm


4 february: 4.30pm
5 february: 11.30am and 4.30pm

Age Rating


Target Audience

Starting at 3 years


60 min ( (25 min staged reading + 35 min workshop)




A space of profound attention to dance that happens in the body and in the world that surrounds us.


Through the book “The Dancing Dot”, this staged reading and workshop approaches the immensity of movement, from the smallest and almost invisible ones like the blink of an eye or bending the pinkie finger, to the most expansive ones, like the movement of clouds in the sky, or the fast traffic of cars on the road. It seeks a space of profound attention to dance that happens in the body and in the world that surrounds us, through a journey that calls upon figurative and abstract imagination.

Informações artísticas

Creation and Orientation
Sara Anjo

Set Design
Martina Manyà

Sound Design
Artur Pispalhas

Flora Detraz