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September is the month of (Re)Starting

Bru Junça
9 and 10 September 2023
Retrato a preto e branco da contadora de histórias Bru Junça, de cabelo preto apanhado na nuca e blusa de cor clara. Bru Junça olha para o lado esquerdo do observador e atrás de si está uma parede com pichagens.

Informações técnicas


9 and 10 September: 11.30am

Age rating

3 years and above

Target Audience

Starting at 3 years


45 min.




A session of tales and reading aloud about beginnings and beginning again.


We begin… by beginning. A session of tales and reading aloud about beginnings and beginning again. Counting time. Finding different principles. Discovering that there are many ways and forms of arriving. Embarking on endless stories that allow us to start anew with each cycle.


Based on the book “Com o Tempo” (Isabel Minhós Martins and Madalena Matoso, ed. Planeta Tangerina), which is part of LU.CA’s Public Library, along with other books.


Bru Junça
Bru Junça was born in Évora on a Sunday, and perhaps because of this, she claims to be given to leisure. She learned mathematics at Mr. Ângelo’s grocery store and the art of listening by hearing the stories of the neighbourhood told by Ms. Vicência and Ms. Victória. She wanted to become a teacher but instead became a storyteller and reading mediator. In this capacity, she has participated in various national and international events related to children’s literature and oral storytelling. She travels extensively around herself through the journeys she takes around the world. She believes that words unite, untangle, and embrace.