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Miniconference about democracy

Rui Tavares
October 4 and 5

Informações técnicas


October 5: 4:30 pm


October 4: 10:30 am

Age range


Running time

(including an open debate)




Elections cycle


Through these mini-conferences, anchored in the nonfiction universe, we seek to present the world and its discourses to the younger audiences. Complex concepts and difficult subjects that we encounter in everyday life will be skillfully deconstructed.

And all because we want the great journey of discovery to lead us to observe the old and new landscapes with a curious eye, as Marcel Proust suggests. Thus, old inquiries become new.

During an election period, there are inevitable issues to talk about, such as what representative democracy is, how it works and what it represents when framed by social participation in decisions for a country.

We invite an expert to talk about this subject. As usual, in the end there will be time to brainstorm, to ask questions and hear the answers.