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In January the spoken word is Justice

Bru Junça
6 and 7 January 2024
Mulher de camisa com padrão de tigre, de perfil, segura um livro numa das mãos. O livro está completamente aberto e tem ilustrações.

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6 and 7 January 11:30am

Session with Portuguese Sign Language

7 January 11:30am


A reading session to start the year with an eye on justice.


Reading straight in a world that’s sometimes crooked. Playing seriously within the curvilinear paths of thought. Conjugating the verb “to be” in the plural, within this house we call world. And making the world a place with an open door, safely.


Based on the book “Here We Are” (Oliver Jeffers, published by Orfeu Negro), which is part of LU.CA’s Audience Library, along with other books.


Included in the Ethics and Justice Cycle